
Target Audience:

Course Objectives:

Course Structure:

This intensive course combines lectures, coding exercises, and discussions to equip you with the skills to leverage Ansible for IT automation.

Length: 3 days

Module 1: Introduction to Infrastructure Automation

Module 2: Installing and Configuring Ansible

Module 3: Understanding Inventories

Module 4: Playbooks - The Cornerstone of Automation

Module 5: Conquering Tasks with Ansible Modules

Module 6: Variables and Conditionals for Dynamic Playbooks

Module 7: Reusability and Modularity with Roles

Module 8: Securing Credentials with Ansible Vault

Module 9: Integrating Ansible with Cloud Platforms

Module 10: Advanced Topics and Best Practices

Module 11: Case Studies and Real-World Applications

Module 12: Continued Learning and Exploration